Nate Parker Address College Rape Charge…


Actor Nate Parker should be gearing for the biggest moment of his career with the upcoming release of his new film “Birth Of A Nation” but instead his past is coming back to haunt him. Nate attended Penn State University and while there he was charged along with his roommate of raping a fellow student. Parker was acquitted and his roommate was convicted but he was granted a mistrial after the alleged victim refused to testify a second time. During recent press for “BOAN“, Nate spoke on the incident telling Variety:

“Seventeen years ago, I experienced a very painful moment in my life. It resulted in it being litigated. I was cleared of it. That’s that. Seventeen years later, I’m a filmmaker. I have a family. I have five beautiful daughters. I have a lovely wife. I get it. The reality is … I can’t relive 17 years ago. All I can do is be the best man I can be now.”

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